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16 Min Watch 

Help us keep our gulf healthy by supporting the Texas Parks & Wildlife Foundation, Coastal Conservation Association, Galveston Bay Foundation, and Harte Research Institute

Redfish Revival showcases the fascinating history and remarkable recovery of Texass Redfish. A popular sport fish on the Texas Gulf Coast, wild redfish were on the decline due to overfishing in the 1970s.  A group of passionate Houston fishermen banded together to save redfish, helping pass legislation and implementing crucial conservation efforts.  

By 1983, wild redfish population numbers began to rebound significantly, and redfish were designated as the official saltwater fish of Texas. Today, advances in aquaculture and Gulf Coast conservation work have enabled wild redfish populations to thrive again.  

H-E-B is committed to helping conserve & protect Our Texas, Our Future through diverse practices that benefit both our oceans and wild caught & responsibly raised (aquaculture) communities. Responsibly raised seafood helps take the pressure off wild fish populations, helping to minimize overfishing and conserve essential wild fish habitats to allow fish stocks to naturally increase. Sourcing both wild caught and responsibly raised seafood helps promote a more balanced, sustainably oriented seafood supply for Texans, and helps keep the Gulf healthy.  

Proudly produced in partnership with Fin & Fur Films
Director: Shannon Vandivier, Producer: Josh Winkler, Editors: Blake Campbell & Shannon Vandivier, Music: Noah Sorota

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